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Return key in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2020-11-04Updated:2020-11-04
Similar words: turnkeyturn keyreturn journeyreturnin returnreturn toreturneereturnedMeaning: n. the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed. 
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1. Press the return key to enter the information.
2. To exit from this page, press the return key.
3. Press return/the return key twice to leave a blank line.
4. Enter your user name and hit the return key.
5. The Return key which denotes the start of the new paragraph can also trigger off other paragraph attributes.
6. When input is complete you should press the RETURN key.
7. After both fields have been completed correctly, the RETURN key should be pressed.
8. The Return key selects the currently highlighted item.
9. We named ours digital_foundations and pressed the Return key.
10. For example, type connect and hit the return key, and you will see the source code used to connect to a MongoDB database.
11. Press the return key.
12. Pressing the Return key (shown between lines 130 and 131) simply continues listing from where the last list left off.
13. The Enter or Return key now "presses" a single selected Action Button.
14. To print these mail messages, you should press the RETURN key.
15. There are now two courses of action open to you: Press the RETURN key, or Enter an option number.
16. In this case, to exit the option, press the RETURN key again.
17. If you have inspected all marked messages, you should press the RETURN key.
18. Computer manufacturers are considering changing the command Press Any Key to Press Return Key because of the flood of calls asking where the Any key is.
19. The irony is, if you had used the element in the first place, pressing the Return key would have actually worked.
20. Simply hit the Escape key, press :, type 2,4!tr 'a-z' 'A-Z', and hit the Return key.
21. To terminate the keyboard mode, type the command return then press the Return key.
22. Goggle at monitor all the time show the whites of eyes, carriage return key, I was knocked knock again, I aux would rather believing is temporary did not read a database.
23. Or you can use the space bar or the left and right arrow keys to move the highlight, and then press the return key.
24. Start the scala interpreter by typing scala and the return key on your command line.
25. You can bypass entering a value for optional parameters by pressing the return key, as shown in the example below.
26. IT companies intend to change the instrutional words "Press Any Key"to "Press Return Key" because too many people have been calling to ask where the "Any Key" is.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. Some frameworks also provide a series of standardized key codes that represent keyboard-based events (such as hitting the Escape key, Return key, cursor keys, and so forth).
28. Your finger barely has time to move away from the Return key before the screen is filled with information, starting with the inevitable Wikipedia entry.
29. It would be fair to expect that when you press the Return key while typing your query in the text box, that the form would be submitted and the search performed.
30. And if you've never used those, they're usually above your Return key.
More similar words: turnkeyturn keyreturn journeyreturnin returnreturn toreturneereturnedreturnerday returnreturningtax returnreturnablein return fortax returnsreturn pathincome returnreturn codereturn lossreturn visitsales returnreturn on salesnon-returnablereturn ticketreturn on equityrate of returnnonreturnablesale or returnannual returnreturn on assets
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